Thursday, July 30, 2020

Update on the EPA/Fluoridation Lawsuit

Despite the fact that the fluoridation lawsuit we’ve been following is set to resume soon, and despite this being a landmark case - the first to go to trial under the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which allows citizen groups to petition the EPA to reconsider its previous approval of a chemical, most major media outlets have remained silent about it. 

Here are just a few examples: 

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Fox news screenshot of 0 results for fluoride trial epa


One of the few major outlets that’s been providing coverage is the San Francisco Chronicle - most likely because that’s where the trial is being held. Others covering the trial have tended to be smaller or more alternative news outlets, along with legal websites. When you consider that a ruling against the EPA could spell the end of fluoridation nationwide, the silence is truly stunning.

Sure, the current pandemic and related crises could explain why coverage of this case has been so thin, but at least one columnist has suggested a different theory.

It's another example of big pharma's power and influence over the media to not question the status quo.

Of course, Big Pharma isn’t the only stakeholder in maintaining the status quo. For instance, while evidence continues to document fluoride’s potential to harm human health, the ADA keeps busy with their month-long celebration of fluoridation’s 75th anniversary, including webinars like “Mom’s Guide to Fluoride” and “Fluoridation Advocacy.” There is no coverage of the trial in the ADA News or mention of it in their news releases this year. 

Whatever the reasoning behind such editorial choices, thanks to video court proceedings, you’ll be able to see the upcoming status conference - the next step in the trial, scheduled for August 6 - for yourself. According to the Fluoride Action Network, one of the plaintiffs, many who observed the trial itself felt as though presiding District Judge Edward M. Chen intimated “that FAN had essentially won the case,” so hopes are high that victory may be on the horizon. 

Judge Chen has yet to provide details on his calendar for how to connect to the proceedings, but the Zoom viewing is scheduled for August 6 at 10:30am PDT. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, where we’ll share the info once it’s available! 



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